the coming of age, bildungsroman-esque blog of an
American-born, Vietnamese Catholic male

Saturday, January 16

Going Postal

Dear online-shoppers,

I've grown to become moderately patient over the years from my brash youth. I order stuff online and can wait to have it be delivered a week later because I know it is what I want (a specific type of iPod case). What I can't stand is post office idiocy and purported use of 'improved' delivery services.

One of those things is UPS Mail Innovations. How it works is UPS (United Parcel Service) mails the package to the USPS (US Postal Service) regional processing center closest to your area, and then USPS takes it and delivers it. It's supposed to streamline the process, and your package should be received sooner. It sucks, and it tosses salads.

My package shipped from Atlanta on the 7th, arrived in Austin on the 11th to the regional processing facility. It was forwarded by USPS to somewhere in Oklahoma City, bypassing Dallas completely. And now it's somewhere in limbo with a 'The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on January 11, 2010 to expect your package for mailing'.

I'm pretty sure UPS or USPS by themselves could have gotten the package to me quicker without the other guy. Though 'working together' sound so much cooler, it really amounts to a longer wait time and more risk of packages being lost.

I guess I should be angry at the merchant for using such a retarded shipping system. I did order the damn thing on December 29, and my iPod is yet condomless.

GTA III is missing postal workers. I just want to talk to them nicely...with a rocket launcher.

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