the coming of age, bildungsroman-esque blog of an
American-born, Vietnamese Catholic male

Friday, December 25

Holiday Muzak

If I have to hear one more cover version of ‘Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away…’ I will have to pull a Van Gogh on both ears. Cover versions are new renditions of classic songs, especially holiday trash. It is absolutely atrocious. I love Alicia Keys and Beyonce, but I refuse to listen to any of their holiday stuff (not that they play the Alicia Keys or Beyonce versions). It seems that artists are compelled to release holiday albums because they sell well. It came as a huge shock to me.

Why do people buy this stuff? Is it for their kids? Do they actually sit and listen to rock versions of Christmas carols? Sure it’s all happy and cheery when you walk into a retail store to be greeted by some jingle about Jolly Saint Nick, but being forced to listen for 12 hours has to be something that violates the Geneva convention.

The sound of madness has improved over the past few nights, but I really hope once Christmas comes and goes, they’ll replace the soundtrack. The other song I’ve grown to loathe is ‘I’ll be home for Christmas…if only in my dreams.’ It will be only in his dreams because I’ll strangle the life from him if I ever meet that guy.

And I’ll be home for Christmas, for real and not in my dreams. Don’t jack my TV while I’m gone!

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