Overstock.com has amazing deals on furniture, stuff that is respectable and will last for a good year or two (unlike IKEA, which may last a month or two). I kid, but the furniture I've recently bought have been top notch. Looking at the pieces, I feel my abode has dramatically improved, quite on its way to those male bachelor pads you see on chick-flicks like He's Just Not that Into You or I Love You Man (I swear Redbox didn't have anything I wanted to see!).
Assembling furniture is really awesome when the pieces fit together. When that last little cam lock twists into place, the feeling is like when you answer that last question on a test. Click. The disquieting thing about this kind of furniture is when they don't fit. And even if it hasn't happened to you, that little golden oval sticker 'made in China' doesn't inspire confidence in that it will all work out in the end. And then if the piece has wooden dowels that you have to glue, then it becomes a little more upsetting, because if it doesn't fit all the way correct, then you can't take it apart and fix it because they're glued together. The anxiety is almost enough to warrant a prescription for Xanax.
But that last little piece did slide into place. I almost felt like serenading those bits of wood with e.e. cummings's she being Brand-new but I thought better of it. Although the lady downstairs put up with my hammering, I doubt anyone can put up with the cacophony of the noise coming from my mouth as I try to recite poetry.
u never glue a dowel in place if u can get away with not having to. and if it doesn't go all the way in, u use a dremel and fix the hole, then try the dowel again.
- friedeggs
thanks for finally coming to the blog. i expect my scarf in the very near future!
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