the coming of age, bildungsroman-esque blog of an
American-born, Vietnamese Catholic male

Monday, December 28

Changes Continued (Resolution numero tres)

Dear resolution-breakers,

It seems I may have already violated my rule about consistent writing. Technically, I haven’t because I had already composed my post but just forgot to publish it. Part of the reason for my forgetfulness is change number 3: regular sleep.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve waken pissed off at myself for only getting 4 hours of sleep before working a 12-hr overnight shift. That’s a recipe for ramen noodles (something that’s just not healthy). It would always be something like a streaming episode I had to watch or bills I had to pay, etc. Other times, it would be just googling to see whether there were unopened wired PS2 Guitar Hero controllers available (there are but they’re expensive). Basically I did a whole bunch of random crap that doesn’t amount to much. One of my new mantras I chant when I get home is, ‘Sleep is king.’

So yesterday morning, I got home with a plan. I drank of glass of V8 to get some energy, pumped some iron, got a protein shake, showered, and checked my email. When it was all said and done, I was 30 minutes past my scheduled bedtime. So I blocked out all the noise and went to sleep. I’ve learned that there are very few things you have to do immediately that can’t wait for the next day.

And it’s a good thing I got my rest, because the days leading up to holidays are terrible. People want to get their prescriptions all at once and are angry that you stand in the way of their holiday preparations. Unlike Macys or FedEx, we don’t get extra help around the holidays--it’s just me back here.

Working out helped too (change #4), because my sore muscles remind me that I’m doing well for myself.

I thought that my disordered thinking was a product of still living at home post-graduation. It was nice to have something/someone else to blame, but it was my fault. Mea culpa.

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