the coming of age, bildungsroman-esque blog of an
American-born, Vietnamese Catholic male

Wednesday, December 8

Radio Silence

to unanswered/unresponded comments, etc,

This will be my second day in Vegas, and though I have an internet capable phone with a relatively full-service web browser, it is surprisingly difficult to do anything with notes on Facebook or comments on It may be my failing as an Asian male to know all things computer-related, but I'm simply not that guy. And if I am to answer this question of playing poker for a living (or as a side gig), I must devote time to the tables and not complain about how some programmer hasn't solved the issue of the missing scroll bar in a frame within a webpage*.

When I come back, I will boast... ahem, fill you in on all the details of my victories for your poker edification. And if I lose, I will gently sweep that fact under the rug as former President W. Bush tried to do with 'Mission Accomplished.' And hopefully noone will call me out on it. But if they do, it will be good for me to motivate me to hone my skills further or push me off the precipice of the 'this is a really stupid, inefficient way of making money' cliff.

*A real issue on the default browser on the Moto Droid. It won't display anything to scroll within a frame, and I haven't been pissed off enough to Google for a solution.

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