the coming of age, bildungsroman-esque blog of an
American-born, Vietnamese Catholic male

Friday, June 15

Gaining Traction

Really quick. Since I'm in 3rd or 4th gear right now. It's remarkable how more productive you can be if you have just the right amount of work.

Since I've started my new job (loving it btw!), I get a couple hours before and after work to run errands, etc. And because of the time limit, I get things done without any excuses. When I was just chillaxin' (ie voluntary unemployment), stuff could wait because I had time the next day (and the day after that).

Now I feel wasteful if I just sleep away those free hours. This morning after work, I've answered a couple emails, made plans to maybe watch a football match next weekend with a good friend, curse the slowness of my 8 yr old PC, transferred-organized-&-updated some files, and cleaned out some notes from my phone. Pretty decent for an hour and a half.

Yesterday, I returned something to Amazon for the first time (didn't need it). I've been meaning to do it, but it takes a vanishing window to actually whip me into completing it. The vanishing window was both that it was nearing the 30-day limit for returns and that I only had a limited amount of time before I had to sleep to be ready for work.

Quite a pleasant side effect from having a job.

Before you came into my life, I missed you so, so bad!

So I dig junky female pop ballads. It keeps me awake. That's my excuse :)

Monday, June 11

Blot Out The Sun

Mr Burns would be proud. The only remnants of the sun is a thin sliver of light that managed to escape the fabric covered cardboard I had measured to fit the window opening.

Windows in a vampire's abode is like an appendix; at one time it served a useful purpose, but now it's just a nuisance to be dealt with.

Just figured out there was a blogger app for the iPhone, so I should be posting more. The operative word is "should."

Pictures, yes?

(my room at the noonday sun)

(surprisingly messy for someone who has such severe OCD)

Some first impressions of the blogger app: doesn't allow horizontal typing on the iPhone, picture formatting is iffy (haven't figured out how to post pics inline), tags don't appear on a drop down menu. But pretty cool nonetheless, and it takes away my excuse for not blogging on the regular.

I know you're all so super psyched for more me!*

*sarcasm :)

Thursday, June 7

Paper Chasing

Tomorrow I will get something I haven't had in over 9 months. Don't queue the porn music; it has nothing to do with that. I'm getting paid, son! The news was very good, and I started my new career this past weekend and worked into this Tuesday. Days off are so much sweeter when you have to work the other days. And this Wednesday was wonderful and certainly needed.

I tried to sleep in after coming home from work around 2AM. But antsy to start the day, I woke up after only 6 hours. Got a bunch of stuff done that I've been putting off like cleaning my room, paying bills, and organizing files. It's probably a bit weird to be excited about being able to put things in their right place, but I'm a bit strange after all. Also got in a little gunpowder therapy* followed by some country fried steak.

Helped Kratos savagely rip the legs off of Hermes to steal his winged boots, then settled in to PC time cleaning out emails while drinking a beer and watching the Thunder take down the Spurs.

And did some laundry.

It's boring, but a little boring is good sometimes.

Not sure what I'll do with the money, but daddy does need some new kicks.

(Reebok realflex)

*just a 9mm, but it makes a nice bang